
Participation and Governance

MCC aims to strengthen the ability of people to participate in their communities and influence decisions that affect their lives. Too often, the voices of disadvantaged people are muted by those of rich and powerful groups.
If governments and the international community cannot hear their voices – or do not heed them – people are unlikely to have access to basic services or be able to exercise their rights. Empowering disadvantaged women and men requires democratic governance and popular participation, so that people can influence the decisions which affect their lives.
Governments must promote the development of strong administrations which respect human rights and allow civil society to flourish. Civil society orgainizations representing disadvantaged people must be well governed and accountable to those they serve.

Good governance
MCC will support government departments and public institutions committed to strengthening their responsiveness and accountability. Where appropriate, MCC will promote access to justice, for example, by supporting the provision of legal education and advice and stronger juvenile justice systems. We will also support organisations advocating the rights of poor and marginalised people.

Civil society
Civil society organisations working to benefit disadvantaged people can play an important role in promoting social inclusion and creating popular demand for good governance and policy change. We will enhance the inclusiveness and accountability of orgainizations which are committed to community participation. For disadvantaged people to have a stronger voice, they need better access to knowledge, influence, and resources. MCC and both serving and returned volunteers will facilitate networking, knowledge-sharing and collaborative action between organisations and communities locally, nationally and internationally.

Community involvement and voluntary action can play a major role in strengthening civil society. MCC will share its expertise in volunteering with organisations that want civil society. MCC will share its expertise in volunteering with orgainizations that want to set up or expand local, national or international volunteering programmes, where these address shared development aims.

MCC will support initiatives to bring together communities that have been affected by conflict so that they can tackle shared problems and increase mutual understanding and respect.